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Yoga = meditation = elixir

Yoga and health, yoga and meditation, yoga and elixirs can all be synonyms if you consider them closely. Because yoga has potentially brain-altering capabilities. Sounds far-fetched? Not really, if you look at several studies highlighting this stunning capability of yoga. For long, yoga has been advocated as the stress buster, anxiety-alleviating, calming, mood booster. The…

Vinyasa Yoga – May the Power Be With You

Often confused with power yoga, Vinyasa yoga is a combination of postures; transitioning from one to another synchronized with breath. Each movement has an associated breath. It’s also known as flow yoga. Developed from hatha yoga, it emphasizes on breathing while going in and coming out of postures. Usually the upward movements are associated with…

8 myths about yoga debunked

Yoga is a rage today. But with any trend, there are myths galore. A lot of benefits are being attributed to its practices. Let’s have a look at how true they really are. It pays to be aware, so you don’t get swayed. Yoga is only about stretching, and it’s too simple False. Most people…

Why Esha Yoga

If you’ve been feeling fatigued, mentally and physically, it’s time to give Esha Yoga a chance. The advantages of yoga are many and the disadvantages none, provided you are guided by an expert. Here is where the many skilled instructors at Esha Yoga can help you. It’s a new-age yoga school in the heart of…

Yoga for beginners: Top 5 asanas

Yoga can work wonders not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. There’s no better time to take up yoga for beginners. Embark on this fulfilling journey now. Here are a few things to keep in mind as a beginner if you are enrolling at Esha Yoga in Santa Clara or a yoga school closest…