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My yoga, my story: Manasa Nagaraj

You want to live. And you want to live well. And if you are remembered for it, your life is made. That’s what yoga gives you. A life you never knew existed. A family you felt for. And a community you would die for. When I was in my third standard, I had to endure…

Yoga and Chiropractic care: Perfect pair

Yoga and chiropractic care have a lot in common and can complement each other perfectly. Regular yoga practices can reduce stress and blood sugar levels, increase flexibility, endurance, and balance, and strengthen your joints and muscles. On the other hand, chiropractic care helps to heal deep rooted pains and spasms by improving nervous system function, correcting spinal…

8 myths about yoga debunked

Yoga is a rage today. But with any trend, there are myths galore. A lot of benefits are being attributed to its practices. Let’s have a look at how true they really are. It pays to be aware, so you don’t get swayed. Yoga is only about stretching, and it’s too simple False. Most people…