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Yoga: The benefits of taking up studio membership

Once you’ve decided that yoga is the thing for you, you ought to invest in a studio membership that’s unlimited. It makes perfect sense since it frees you up to carry out your preferred form of exercise without having to be cramped by specific timings. The best factor about having unlimited yoga studio membership is…

Yoga, Happiness, and You

Think about this: Here’s a person who is actually investing their time, knowledge and effort into making you a more fulfilled human being who is calmer, de-stressed and more at peace with yourself. The trainer is helping you be the person you want to be, elevating you from your current physical and emotional state to…

My yoga, my story: Manasa Nagaraj

You want to live. And you want to live well. And if you are remembered for it, your life is made. That’s what yoga gives you. A life you never knew existed. A family you felt for. And a community you would die for. When I was in my third standard, I had to endure…

Top 3 benefits of yoga for students and teachers

Yoga for students and teachers has been trending for quite a while. With good reason. Yoga sessions have been incorporated into the regular school curriculum. However, most teachers and the support staff at the school have not been included in these programs. These people interact with the students in day-to-day school routine. They need to…

Yoga and Chiropractic care: Perfect pair

Yoga and chiropractic care have a lot in common and can complement each other perfectly. Regular yoga practices can reduce stress and blood sugar levels, increase flexibility, endurance, and balance, and strengthen your joints and muscles. On the other hand, chiropractic care helps to heal deep rooted pains and spasms by improving nervous system function, correcting spinal…

Expert supervision is essential for yoga

Yoga is not just physical exercise but it’s an overall spiritual elevation and emotional integration. These days there are many books and videos available online to practice different asanas or exercises by your own self. But this practice can be harmful to you if not performed under expert supervision of a yoga exponent. Wrong postures…

Why yoga is more effective than gym

When fitness and health is the goal, you need to choose the path that takes you there for the long haul. It’s easy to start on any exercise program, even gymming; the difficult part is sustaining it over time. Working out in fits and starts often becomes counter productive as any weight you lose may…